
5773, rue Chabot, Montréal



Chinese Herbs in North America, by Jean Giblette (from New York)

Are you a practitioner? A grower? Are you interested in producing Chinese herbs? Then you don’t want to miss this presentation.

Dates : March 7th and 8th, 2018
Time : 7pm to 9pm
Where: Montreal Gongfu Reasearch Center, 5773 Chabot street
This conference will be given in English


Update on the Eastern Forest Initiative: Growing Chinese Herbs in North America
For several good reasons, widely dispersed production of Chinese medicinal herbs is needed to keep pace with the growing practice of traditional Chinese (East Asian) medicine in 100+ countries.

Eastern North America is ideal as a location; many small farms have benefitted from the resurgence of ecological agriculture and local, direct markets, and now welcome new crops to diversify their operations. Jean Giblette of High Falls Gardens, who has been growing Chinese medicinal herbs in upstate New York for 25 years, will give a presentation on how leadership from the profession of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (Traditional East Asian Medicine) is key to the development of domestic production. She will describe the opportunity, give a brief history of successes and failures, and show how a well-developed strategy for development can assure us continued access to clean, nutritious herbs.


Ginseng and More: Growing Chinese Herbs in North America
Join us to learn about the domestic production of Chinese medicinal herbs. Jean Giblette of High Falls Gardens will present growers and landowners with an overview of an emerging market for a new set of perennial polyculture crops. With grants from the New York State Farm Viability Institute, Ms. Giblette formed a group of 45 farms to develop production of Chinese medicinal herbs on a commercial scale. She had previously consulted with the Blue Ridge Center for Chinese Medicine in southern Virginia in the formation of their growers’ group which has begun to direct-market the herbs to licensed practitioners (https://appalachianherbgrowers.com/). This presentation will provide information to growers who may want to consider this market.


About Jean Giblette
Jean Giblette, owner of High Falls Gardens, has been growing Chinese medicinal herbs in the mid-Hudson Valley region of New York since 1994. Working with an affiliated nonprofit organization, High Falls Foundation Inc., she has directed a program in Botanical Studies on behalf of the nation’s 50+ graduate schools of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM). She has organized and consulted with groups of farmers to develop North American production of Chinese herbs. She is a contributing author of Mending the Web of Life: Chinese Medicine and Species Conservation, and has written or coauthored numerous articles including papers in the last two New Crops volumes published by Purdue University.