
5773, Chabot street, Montreal



Moxa Therapy 

Moxa therapy in the practice of bodywork and massage


Dates & Time

June 5 & 6, 2021

Duration : 15 hours

For : Massage therapists, acupuncturist and general public

Number of participants : 5 to 10


In Quebec many of the illnesses we suffer from are caused by the effects of living in a cold climate. Moxabustion, traditionally considered a partner technique to acupuncture, is the heating of specific acupuncture points with burning mugwort to stimulate circulation. It is a highly under used therapy that can be used to treat many conditions stemming from cold and deficiency.

This course will teach students how to safely use this technique to support treatment in a variety of complaints, ranging from pain syndromes to digestive and gynecological problems, to coughs and the common cold. There will be plenty of time devoted to hands-on practice and students will both give and receive Moxa treatments. Therapists will appreciate the efficacy of these techniques in helping their clients feel better and clients will appreciate the comfort and warmth of the techniques themselves. Everyone loves Moxa.

Although Moxa therapy is often used to great effect on serious illnesses by medical professionals, it has also traditionally been used in China by massage practitioners and grandmothers to promote and maintain the health of clients and families. This course is appropriate for anyone who recognizes that the cold is bad for us and would like to know about this time honoured way of keeping warm.


Course Contents

  • History of Moxa therapy
  • Different methods available
  • Safety and contraindications
  • Equipment needed to safely and comfortably do Moxa
  • Chinese medicine theory supporting Moxa therapy
  • Techniques of applying Moxa therapy
  • Basic protocols for specific conditions and specific treatments



There is no evaluation for this course.
To obtain a certificate of completion, students must attend the whole course (15 hours).


Cost & Payments

Cost : $425,00 plus taxes ($488,64)

To reserve your place, email us at seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.

Your registration will be confirmed upon reception of your first payment. You can send a check for your payment addressed to Ethan Murchie, mailed at 6512 Drolet street, Montral, H2S 2S8. You can also send your payment via Interac transfer to seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.


Terms and Conditions

Participants agree to never share or circulate learning materials obtained during this course. Video recording is prohibited.

Payment can be done in two instalments. The first half can be paid upon registration and the rest on the first day of the seminar. Participants who cancel (in writing only) 14 days prior to the seminar may get a full reimbursement. If they cancel 7 days prior, they will obtain 50% reimbursement. Full cost is due for participants who abandon the course or who are absent during the seminar.

For more information, contact seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.


Moxa seminar in Montreal