Understanding back & neck pain
No dates available at this time
A 15-hour weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
Continuing education credits will be issued to acupuncturists having successfully completed the course (1.5 credits).
Ethan Murchie, Ac.
Montreal Gongfu Research Center
5773, Chabot street, Montreal
Back and neck pain has many causes and can often be daunting to manage clinically. Chinese medicine has many valuable tools to bring to the treatment of these very commonly encountered problems but with out an understanding of the basic structural mechanisms of back and neck pain these tools are often less than optimally effective. Once these structural mechanisms are understood a comprehensive program addressing the consitutional factors understood by Chinese medicine, the structural problems and the channel imbalances can be used to provide lasting relief.
This course covers
Mechanics of back pain from an anatomical perspective.
Analysis of the mechanics of back pain from a channel theory perspective.
The role of movement in both the creation of pathology and the treatment of back and neck pain.
Essential movement skills to be pain free.
Basic exercises to develop essential movement skills.
Essential manual skills for the treatment of back pain.
Target audience
Acupuncturist and body workers.
Evaluation and Passing Grade
At the end of the third weekend of training, participants will receive a written evaluation from the instructor, based on their execution of the techniques during the final exam.
A certificate of achievement will be given to participants who will have been present for at least 80% of the seminar, and who will have received a satisfactory evaluation from the instructor, having demonstrated their understanding of the techniques.
$325,00 plus taxes ($373,67)
To reserve your place, email us at seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.
Your registration will be confirmed upon reception of your first payment. You can send a check for your payment addressed to Ethan Murchie, mailed at 6512 Drolet street, Montral, H2S 2S8. You can also send your payment via Interac transfer to seminaires@montrealgongfu.com.
Terms and Conditions
Participants agree to never share or circulate learning materials obtained during this course. Video recording is prohibited.
Payment can be done in two instalments. The first half can be paid upon registration and the rest on the first day of the seminar. Participants who cancel (in writing only) 14 days prior to the seminar may get a full reimbursement. If they cancel 7 days prior, they will obtain 50% reimbursement. Full cost is due for participants who abandon the course or who are absent during the seminar.
For more information, contact seminaires@montrealgongfu.com